
Services for Corporations/Organizations

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Advisory Services for Corporations and Public Organizations

Each attorney at our firm provides various legal consultations to a wide range of corporate clients, from publicly listed companies to small and medium-sized enterprises, across diverse industries. We strive not only to present legal judgments but also to suggest desirable measures based on industry practices and legal risks.
Additionally, our firm advises local governments as legal counsel on issues related to regulations and administrative procedures, as well as planning and executing public projects.

Corporate or Organization Compliance

Serving as Independent Directors and Independent Auditors for companies listed on the Tokyo Stock Exchange Prime, as well as Directors and Councilors for public interest corporations, we provide advice on the establishment of compliance systems, governance structures, and more, leveraging our experience and insights as lawyers. Our experienced attorneys support companies in minimizing legal risks and help ensure their stable growth.

Independent Investigation Committees

When corporate or employee misconduct, such as accounting fraud or harassment, is discovered through internal reporting or other means, it may become necessary from a compliance perspective to commission an external investigation rather than handling it internally. At our law offices, we form an investigative committee comprising multiple attorneys from the firm. This committee conducts investigations to find the facts through hearings with relevant parties, determines the causes and legal evaluation of the misconduct, and considers measures to prevent recurrence. We also prepare investigation reports. Additionally, depending on the case, we collaborate with other law firms and certified public accountants to operate the investigation committee.

Whistleblowing-related Matters

When whistleblowing of illegal activities such as harassment or accounting fraud by companies or employees are received, appropriate responses in accordance with the Whistleblower Protection Act are required. At our law offices, we operate as a hotline in accordance with the requirement of the Act.

Real Estate Transactions (Research and Consulting Services)

We have served as legal advisors to numerous companies, including those listed on the Tokyo Stock Exchange Prime. We handle a wide range of tasks related to real estate laws, such as the Real Estate Brokerage Act and the Act on Land and Building Leases, providing legal research, advice, and handling mediation for rent increase/decrease claims, lawsuits for building eviction, and enforcement. Additionally, we offer advice and representation in boundary disputes (such as boundary determination and parcel-specific procedures), land readjustment and urban redevelopment projects, and rebuilding of aging condominium complexes.

Real Estate Litigations

We frequently handle litigation involving real estate, including lawsuits for land and building eviction under the Act on Land and Building Leases and boundary confirmation lawsuits.

Debt Recovery

We have focused on debt recovery services since establishment and continue to handle numerous delinquent debt collections, possessing extensive experience in this field. Leveraging this experience, we frequently manage the collection of accounts receivable and unpaid debts for companies, including initiating lawsuits and seizing assets.

Bankruptcy-related matters (bankruptcy, civil rehabilitation, private debt arrangement, business revitalization, etc.)

We provide extensive support for insolvency proceedings, ranging from corporate revitalization under standard-type private reorganizations, such as those by the SME Revitalization Council, to business transfers, civil rehabilitation proceedings, bankruptcy proceedings, and the release of management guarantees based on the Guidelines for Personal Guarantees Provided by Business Owners.

Mergers & Acquisitions (business transfers, share transfers, etc.)

We provide extensive support for procedures such as business transfers, corporate splits, and stock transfers. This includes legal due diligence, reviewing, and drafting contracts and other agreements. Additionally, we have experience and expertise in the business succession of medical corporations, providing support in compliance with regulations such as the Medical Care Act.

Labor Cases

We have attorneys who serve as the Representative and consultants at the Tokyo Employment Consultation Center (“TECC”), established under the Cabinet Office’s National Strategic Special Zone Council, to support the labor needs of venture companies and businesses expanding into Japan. Leveraging their extensive experience gained from consultation work at the center and labor-related consultations for our clients, we provide advice on labor issues and handle litigations tribunals.

Administrative Cases (administrative procedures, litigations, etc.)

We leverage the insights gained from advisory work for local governments to handle administrative appeals and administrative litigation. We also provide advice and representation for administrative procedures, such as public interest certification for general corporations and the incorporation of educational institutions.

Municipal Legal Services

We have extensive experience and proven records in collaboration with public institutions, including advisory and legal consultation services for local governments and serving as members of building review boards. Leveraging this experience, we provide legal support for complex legal issues related to administrative regulations and procedures, as well as advice on planning and executing public projects.

School-related Legal Services

Educational institutions face unique challenges, such as the management of school corporations, education-related contracts, and resolving internal disputes, which differ from those of general corporations. Ww have provided specialized advice and support to address the complex legal issues faced by educational institutions, helping them achieve high-quality education and stable operations.

Pharmaceutical and Healthcare Law

Our international healthcare practices, led by a lawyer with extensive in-house experiences at pharmaceutical companies, have a strong focus on compliance support. We provide specialized advice and support to help companies navigate the latest pharmaceutical regulations and minimize legal risks while advancing their business smoothly.

Medical Malpractice

As representatives for medical institutions such as hospitals and clinics, we have handled settlement negotiations, mediation, and litigation related to medical malpractice claims.

International Legal Services

We provide a wide range of legal services related to international business, with lawyers who possess deep knowledge of drafting and reviewing English contracts and the practices of multinational corporations. Our partnership with an Australian law firm (Yamamoto Attorneys) also enables us to handle matters related to Australia with a deep understanding of local laws.

Advanced Fields (AI, IT, etc.)

Our law offices have dedicated on the development and provision of advanced legal and compliance services, including AI and IT. We particularly focus on the application of AI in the healthcare sector and legal tech, supporting the resolution of industry-specific legal issues. Additionally, by integrating AI into our daily operations, we are analyzing relevant information more quickly and accurately, providing the best solutions for our clients.

Services for Individuals

Inheritance (wills, property division, inheritance claims, etc.)

We provide advice on the preparation of wills (notarized wills, holographic wills, etc.), and handle mediation and adjudication procedures for the division of estates, as well as procedures for the reduction of the statutory reserved portion (mediation, litigation). In our practices, we take care of not only legal theories but also the deceased’s intentions and the feelings of the heirs.

Elderly Law (property management, trusts, guardianship, etc.)

We are prepared to handle issues related to asset management, succession, and posthumous arrangements that arise with aging. We offer a wide range of options, including statutory guardianship systems, voluntary asset management contracts, and trusts. In providing support, we are committed to detailed and considerate responses, respecting the wishes of the individual and their family.

Divorce and Property Division

We provide meticulous and personalized support for complex cases involving divorce, property division, child support, and custody. We draw on our extensive experience and knowledge to assist each individual client.

Landlord and Tenant Relations

We handle numerous consultations from both landlords and tenants, including rent increase/decrease requests, eviction negotiations, mediation, and litigation. Leveraging our extensive experience, we provide client-focused support, taking into full consideration the real estate market and our clients’ intentions.

Boundary Disputes

When boundary disputes arise with neighboring properties, it is necessary to negotiate with the owners of the adjacent land to prevent future disputes during inheritance or sale. Our law offices are prepared to collaborate with relevant specialists, such as land and house surveyors, to negotiate with neighboring property owners. We also handle the drafting of boundary agreements, utilize the parcel-specific procedure system, and initiate boundary confirmation lawsuits, providing appropriate solutions tailored to each case.

Construction Disputes (neighbor disputes, construction defects, etc.)

We provide a wide range of legal services related to construction disputes. We offer expert advice and leverage our extensive experience in areas such as contract negotiations, construction delays, defect issues, and disputes with architects. Additionally, we propose preventive measures for disputes and engage in mediation and settlement negotiations for early resolution, aiming to resolve issues before they escalate to litigation.

Employment Issues

We have provided a wide range of consultations, including unfair dismissal, retirement encouragement, responses to power harassment and sexual harassment, and claims for unpaid overtime. We have also provided advice on dealing with work-related injuries and illnesses (occupational accidents).

Traffic Accidents

In cases of damage compensation claims following a traffic accident, various issues such as the calculation of consolation money, lost earnings, and loss of earnings due to work absence, as well as the certification of disability levels, may arise. Our law offices leverage extensive experience to handle a wide range of traffic accident-related matters, including settlement negotiations with insurance companies and litigation.

International Family Law

When heirs of individuals residing abroad are in Japan, complex issues such as which country’s laws to apply (governing law issues) can arise in inheritance cases. Our law offices, particularly in close collaboration with Yamamoto Attorneys, prepare opinion letters for submission to local courts and undertake activities to facilitate smooth inheritance procedures.

Criminal Cases (detention procedures, bail procedures, trials, etc.)

At the arrest or detention stage, we immediately work to secure the release of the suspect and simultaneously engage in settlement negotiations with the victim and liaise with investigative authorities to aim for a swift resolution of the case. If an indictment is subsequently filed, we provide trial defense to achieve the best possible outcome, either by disputing the facts of the case or by arguing mitigating circumstances, including cooperation from those around the defendant and future rehabilitation plans.

Other Services (Public Interest Activities, etc.)

Bar Association Activities

Our law offices are proud to have attorneys with extensive experience in holding key positions in Bar Associations such as the Daini Tokyo Bar Association and the Japan Federation of Bar Associations. Our attorneys have served in significant roles, including President, Vice President, and Chairperson of various committees within these Aar Associations. We are confident in the trust that we have earned within the legal profession. This experience has enabled us to build a wide network in the legal industry, allowing us to collaborate with the most suitable experts to resolve cases based on their nature.