Shun-ichiro Kato


 I passed the Bar examination in 2019, at the transition between the Heisei and Reiwa eras, and registered as an Attorney in January 2021. Since then, I have been practicing law at Shin-Yotsuya Law Offices. My work primarily involves litigation across various areas, including inheritance matters such as wills and estate division, real estate issues like building evictions and boundary disputes, labor issues such as unpaid overtime claims and workplace accidents, corporate matters including lawsuits against company directors, and criminal defense mainly for court-appointed cases.

 Leveraging my experience in these diverse fields, I also serve as a legal consultant for citizen consultations at the city hall, a consultant at the Tokyo Employment Consultation Center (“TECC”), and regularly provide legal advice to municipal staffs together with other lawyers from the firm.

 In corporate legal affairs, I have handled a wide range of litigation cases and provided consultations for companies and their executives, including reviewing contracts. I have also served on investigation committees for corporate misconduct.

 I have aspired to become a lawyer to support clients in any situation and be a versatile legal resource. Additionally, our firm is characterized by its strong network with other law firms through Bar Association activities, allowing us to consult with other specialized lawyers both within and outside the firm. This enables us to provide the best solutions for our clients.


Born: August 1993, Kanagawa Prefecture
2012: Graduated from Odawara High School
2017: Graduated from Hosei University, Faculty of Law (LL.B.)
2019: Graduated from Keio University Law School (J.D.)
2019: Passed Japan’s Bar examination
January 2021: Registered as an Attorney (Daini Tokyo Bar Association), joined Shin-Yotsuya Law Offices


April 2024 – Present: Legal Consultant for Koganei City, Tokyo
April 2024 – Present: Member of the Kitamoto City Information Disclosure and Personal Information Protection Review Board
2024 – Present: Consultant at the Tokyo Employment Consultation Center (“TECC”)