Kazuyoshi Tanaka


 I became an Attorney just as the Showa era was ending and spent six years gaining experience as an associate. At my workplace, I was fortunate to handle various cases, especially in finance and intellectual property, under the guidance of senior lawyers. Personally, I actively took on legal consultations organized by bar associations and various local governments and organizations (covering general cases as well as specialized areas such as family law involving divorce and inheritance, real estate matters, medical accidents, labor issues, etc.), and I feel that the experience I gained during this time has been invaluable.

 In 1994, I established my own practice, and since then, I have taken on a diverse range of clients and have been asked to handle consultations and lawsuits in new fields. I have always approached my work with the same beginner’s mindset I had when I first became a lawyer, often seeking guidance and advice from seniors at the bar association, university, and high school, as well as from peers and juniors.

 Everyone feels a certain degree of anxiety when faced with problems outside their expertise (or knowledge), no matter how minor the issue. Even a small piece of advice can provide significant reassurance and help them move forward. One of my fundamental principles as a legal professional is to offer such assistance as a legal expert.

 To provide such assistance, I need to possess the skills, knowledge, and experience of a lawyer. All my past experiences have been geared toward achieving this. Society has changed significantly in recent years, and new, unfamiliar fields have emerged. In recent urban redevelopment and M&A cases I handled, collaboration with other industries was essential. I believe that, moving forward, I must skillfully incorporate collaboration with other lawyers, professionals, and experts.

 I have collaborated on many cases with the members of Shin-Yotsuya Law Offices over the years, and I have now decided to join the firm to further strengthen this collaboration. I am committed to contributing even more broadly in various fields to serve our clients better.


Born: June 1956, Kagoshima Prefecture
March 1975: Graduated from Kagoshima Prefectural Tsurumaru High School
March 1981: Graduated from Keio University, Faculty of Law (LL.B.)
October 1985: Passed Japan’s Bar examination
April 1986: Entered the Legal Training and Research Institute of the Supreme Court (40th class)
March 1988: Completed training at the institute
April 1988: Registered as an Attorney (Tokyo Bar Association), joined Nakajima Patent and Law Office
June 1994: Joined Ginza Shin General Law Office (Partner)
August 1997: Founded Tanaka Kazuyoshi Law Office
April 2024: Joined Shin-Yotsuya Law Offices (Partner)


April 1990 – March 1994: Training Advisor, National Association of Shinkin Banks
FY 1996: Executive Board Member, Tokyo Bar Association
FY 1996: Delegate, Japan Federation of Bar Associations
April 1996 – April 1998: Steering Committee Member, Lawyer Training Center (Tokyo Bar Association)
October 1996 – December 2003: Advisor, Special Collection Department, Resolution and Collection Corporation (including predecessor)
January 1999 – December 2019: Appraiser, Tokyo District Court (Leasehold Dispute Division)
April 1999 – May 1999: Special Committee Member on Lawyer Ethics (Tokyo Bar Association)
April 2001 – June 2002: Special Committee Member on Taxation (Tokyo Bar Association)
FY 2003: Governor, Kanto Federation of Bar Associations
September 2003 – August 2018: Dispute Resolution Committee Member, Housing Dispute Resolution Committee (Tokyo Bar Association)
March 2005 – Present: Auditor, BI Inc.
April 2005 – Present: Compliance Committee Member (External Whistleblowing Contact), Nikkei Visual Media Group
April 2006 – March 2010: Disciplinary Preliminary Committee Member (Tokyo Bar Association)
October 2007 – Present: Committee Member, Personal Information Protection Operation Council, Special Ward Racing Association
January 2008 – Present: Auditor, New City Consultants Co., Ltd.
October 2009 – September 2014: Committee Member, Information Disclosure and Personal Information Protection System Operation Council, Kita City, Tokyo
April 2021 – Present: Compliance Committee Member (External Whistleblowing Contact), Tommy Seiko Group