Isamu Dohi


 Since my registration as an Attorney in 2013, I have handled a wide range of cases, from corporate legal affairs to individual legal issues.

 For corporate clients, I provide various consultations on labor issues and debt collection for clients from diverse industries, review contracts, engage in negotiations, mediation, and litigation. Additionally, I serve as an Independent Auditor for a company preparing for listing and as an Auditor for a medical corporation. I am also involved in compliance-related work, such as acting as a contact point for whistleblowing and managing Board of Directors’ secretarial duties. Leveraging these experiences, I sometimes serve as a member of third-party committees for fraud investigations. I have also handled numerous consultations from real estate agents concerning the Real Estate Brokerage Act and rent adjustment claims. Since the inception of the Tokyo Employment Consultation Center (“TECC”), I have been a consultant, dealing with a wide range of labor consultations.

 For individual clients, I handle tasks related to elderly clients, such as property management, inheritance division negotiations, and inheritance procedures, as a guardian and home lawyer. Additionally, I have been introduced to various other tasks, including handling traffic accidents and various lawsuits.

 I always strive to add my own value to every task while collaborating with the lawyers of Shin-Yotsuya Law Offices. Depending on the case, I utilize my network built over the years to seek cooperation from lawyers outside the Offices and other experts to provide the best possible solutions for clients.


Born: February 1986, Tokyo
2004: Graduated from Johoku High School
2008: Graduated from Kyoto University, Faculty of Economics (BEc)
2011: Graduated from Hitotsubashi University School of Law (J.D.)
2011: Passed Japan’s Bar examination
January 2013: Registered as an Attorney (Daini Tokyo Bar Association), joined Shin-Yotsuya Law Offices
January 2021: Became a Partner at Shin-Yotsuya Law Offices


January 2015 – Present: Consultant at the Tokyo Employment Consultation Center (“TECC”)
April 2015 – Present: Vice Chairperson of the Elderly and Disabled Persons Comprehensive Support Center Steering Committee of the Daini Tokyo Bar Association
September 2015 – March 2020: Learning Advisor at Hitotsubashi University School of Law
June 2019 – May 2021: Contract Attorney at the Daini Tokyo Bar Association Business Support Office (responsible for the Elderly and Disabled Persons Comprehensive Support Center Steering Committee)
FY 2023: Executive Governor of the Japan Federation of Bar Associations
April 2023 – Present: Auditor of the X-Legal Association
August 2023 – Present: Auditor of Regrit Partners Inc.
FY 2024: Executive Governor of the Kanto Federation of Bar Associations

Books and Articles

“Achieving Compliance in Pharmaceutical Companies, Revised Edition – Overview of Relevant Laws and Voluntary Standards with Case Studies” (Yakuji Nippo Limited)
“Q&A Explanation of the Adult Guardianship System for Local Governments and Core Institutions” (GYOSEI)
“Q&A Practical Guide to Property Management for the Elderly – Selection, Conclusion, Execution, and Termination of Contracts” (Shin Nihon Hoki)
“Legal and Tax Affairs for Entertainers and Talent Agencies – From Contracts and Labor to Handling Disputes” (GYOSEI)
“Latest Harassment Prevention Model Examples Collection – Compliant with Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare Introduction Manual” (Shin Nihon Hoki)
“Practical Adult Guardianship” No.96 – Article: “Survey Results and Analysis of Financial Institutions’ Responses in Adult Guardianship Services with Improvement Proposals” (Civil Law Research Society)
“Guide to Boundary Confirmation and Dispute Resolution” (Shin Nihon Hoki)