Representative Attorney
Hidehisa Sawai


 I registered as an Attorney with the Daini Tokyo Bar Association and became an associate at a law office. Later, I established my own law office and in October 2002, I founded the Shin-Yotsuya Law Offices, which has now been the Representative Attorney for over 20 years. Since my Bar registration, I have worked on numerous types of legal disputes, including civil, criminal, and family cases, always striving for solutions that are just and fair.

 After opening my own law office, I began to handle many cases related to debt recovery and real estate, and the number of client companies has steadily increased. I have transitioned from being a legal advisor to subsidiary companies to being a legal advisor to parent companies and have also received case requests from opposing parties. Currently, my practice focuses primarily on corporate legal affairs, but I handle cases in all areas, including general civil cases such as individual inheritance disputes.

 I actively participate in the activities of the Bar Association, having served as President of the Daini Tokyo Bar Association, Vice President of the Japan Federation of Bar Associations(JFBA), and as a Guest Professor specializing in intellectual property at a National University. Additionally, I have held many positions commissioned by government agencies.

 Recently, I have often been appointed as the Chairperson of third-party committees dealing with corporate accounting fraud and as a member of management improvement committees. I also serve as an Independent Director and Auditor for listed companies and Chair the Nomination and Remuneration Committees as an Independent Director.

Biography and Carrer

Born: July 1948, Oita Prefecture
March 1967: Graduated from Tokyo Metropolitan Tachikawa High School
September 1972: Passed Japan’s Bar Examination
March 1973: Graduated from Hitotsubashi University, Faculty of Law (LL.B.)
April 1975: Registered with the Daini Tokyo Bar Association
April 1979: Opened Sawai Law Office
March 1992: Mediator for Construction Disputes in Bunkyo Ward (Current)
January 1998: Obtained Supreme Court ruling overturning the original judgment (new precedent on substitution of mortgage proceeds)
October 2002: Founded and currently represents Shin-Yotsuya Law Office
June 2007: Director of the General Foundation for Civil Legal Affairs (Current)
October 2007: Member of the Tokyo Land Use Review Committee
April 2011: President of the Daini Tokyo Bar Association, Vice President of the Japan Federation of Bar Associations
April 2012: Guest Professor at the University of Electro-Communications
June 2012: Member of the School Corporation Management Investigation Committee of the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (“MEXT”)
March 2013: Temporary Member of the MEXT Independent Administrative Institution Evaluation Committee
April 2015: Chairperson of the Japan Bar National Pension Fund
June 2015: Director of Fuji Dice Co., Ltd. (Current)
October 2016: Auditor of Aisei Pharmacy Co., Ltd. (Current)
November 2018: Awarded “the Order of the Rising Sun, Gold Rays with Neck Ribbon” from the Japan’s National Cabinet